
“From the teaser trailer to the actual movie, “Cancellation” is the film that you don’t want to miss. There is enough drama, comedy and twist that make the story a complete package. Editing and cinematography are commendable. It can be compared to other high rated series like Friends. The cast really is fantastic. They are natural in their performances showing that the bond has already been formed. Justin Timpane the director should make more of these films. Well done!”

— Utah Film Festival and Awards, A Christmas Cancellation


“The camera work was good, there were a few places where I felt the film dragged a bit, but Lauren's performance as the deaf woman is worth seeing, if for no other reason. So if you’re a fan of fairy tale like movies or if you just have around 40 minutes to kill this is not a bad way to spend your time!”

— Jason S. Lockard, Rogue Cinema, Caroline of Virginia

“Of course, it all begins with Caroline. To be a convincing fairy tale, a film simply must convince in both the the real world and the world that transcends the human experience. Lauren Meley gives a beautiful performance as a young woman who seemingly manages to find the beauty in her everyday life despite her own physical challenges. Meley's performance as a deaf young woman, at least to this non-hearing impaired film writer, was so convincing that I found myself looking her up to see if she really was deaf (She's not). Watch Meley's eyes and body language as her miracle unfolds and she begins to experience life in a different way - it's as if we're watching an already beautiful flower blossom and reach up to the skies.”

— Richard Propes, The Independent Critic, Caroline of Virginia


“Norcross artistically explores the sounds of New York we take for granted, from the constant honks and accelerators from the streets, to balloons popping and of course the enthralling music that surrounds us. Lauren Meley's ability to play deaf was truthful as well as her amusement with all the newfound sound waves she encounters. Through Virginia's untenable ears these three romantic days of an ill-fated love story left a poignant dent in my mind and most of all caught me by surprise—what initially felt superficial and cliché turned into a 37 minute film that, with Norcross' zeal, was both picturesque and most of all mellifluous.”

— Shalini Adnani, Times Square, Caroline of Virginia